Friday, March 10, 2017

Cause of Death: Decisions.

As a naturally indecisive person, I am a bit anxious about starting this whole process. I know that every decision I make will eventually shape what will be my Foundation Portfolio, but how will I know what to do? How will I choose between two excellent ideas? Where will I find the inspiration I need? There's about 101 questions running through my mind right now, so in order to organize my thoughts I figured I should work in an inverted triangle method, beginning with the general details.

To start with, I chose to do a magazine layout for my Foundation Portfolio Project. Being better behind a computer than behind a camera, it was a clear choice. I knew my interest in graphic design would serve as motivation, not to mention that my dream job is to work for the marketing aspect of a magazine. 

Now, let's talk genres. I started by researching popular magazine topics, narrowing it down to music and fashion. On the music side of the equation, Billboard's December 2011 issue dedicated to Adele really drew me in. Adele's photograph is extremely appealing as she looks straight into the eyes of the reader with a puzzled expression, and the graphics surrounding her is something similar to what I would like to do. Plus, who doesn't love Adele? In respect to fashion, thanks to Pinterest (my go-to), I just had to type in "fashion magazine covers" in the search bar to feel a sudden burst of inspiration. After scrolling I came across Vogue Italia's September 2010 issue featuring Miranda Kerr, the combination of the 3-D effect on the cover image with the nude color palette looks cool even without 3-D glasses! Miranda is also looking straight into the camera, with a small smirk, giving off a sense of class and gracefulness to visually attract readers. Not to mention the puppy, cuteness overload!

Since following fashion has been one of my passions for the past few years, it didn't take long for me to make this decision. This portfolio is a unique opportunity to be able to show off my passion, my ideas, and my knowledge about fashion and media. If only every school project could be based on a student's individual passions!

So what's next for my Foundation Portfolio? Before I actually start trying to visualize and design my magazine layout, I want to begin thinking of a name or a color palette. At this point, I'm not sure exactly what comes next, but I do know that every single decision is at my discretion (overwhelming, but also pretty exciting). Get ready to follow me on this journey and see my inner most thoughts as I complete my magazine!

Shepherd, Julianne Escobedo. "'21' And Up: The Year of Adele Cover Story." Billboard. N.p., 9 Dec. 2011. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.

"Vision of Femininity." Vogue, 28 Aug. 2010. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.

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